It’s in the Mailbot

[This article was originally published in PC AI magazine, Volume 12, Number 1 Jan/Feb 98. The magazine can be reached at PC AI, 3310 West Bell Rd., Suite 119, Phoenix AZ, USA 85023 Tel: (602) 971-1869, FAX: (602) 971-2321, E-Mail:, Web:]


The idea of having a conversation with your computer is not new. The simple and amusing program ELIZA has fascinated computer users for over thirty years. The purpose of ELIZA is to entertain you with the illusion of human conversation. You type in questions and responses and ELIZA will often appear to comprehend and respond appropriately.

ELIZA belongs to a class of programs called bots (visit ELIZA at Bots, or software agents, are designed to perform tasks autonomously. Bots are typically categorized by the functions they perform. For example, ELIZA was built to chat so it’s called a "Chatter Bot." Other categories of bots include Commerce Bots, Mail Bots, News Bots, Search Bots, and Shopping Bots -- to name just a few.

Bots use a variety of interfaces, ranging from simple text to sophisticated voice and animation to interact with users. They also vary widely in their level of intelligent behavior. For instance, ELIZA uses a simple text interface to chat with you. And it actually lacks the ability to understand what you type but, instead, uses a clever program to provide seemingly insightful responses.

Newer bots, like Mailbot from WordSurf (, go well beyond illusions of conversation to perform useful functions. Mailbot attempts to find and provide information about your email via a conversational interface. In other words, Mailbot tries to interpret your requests and respond with meaningful information.

Some Background

The idea of Mailbot as a product actually arose from computer voice recognition experience gained in the early 1990s. "Dragon Dictate," a PC voice recognition product, enabled lawyers to dictate directly into WordPerfect 5.1 and execute simple word-processing command sequences using "voice-macros." Dragon Dictate was then priced at around US$10k and required training to be used effectively. Even though Dictate was expensive, so were the legal secretaries who could do better things with their time than dicta typing. In addition, lawyers suffered from having to keep track of blizzards of paper so the direct spoken words to computer file translation had appeal.

WordDancer Systems, the company that played a major role in introducing Dictate and voice recognition to the North American legal community, learned a key lesson about voice macros. Voice macros were very limited in that a typical user could only remember and use about a dozen of these commands. Lawyers didn't have the time or inclination to commit to memory more commands -- even though the voice recognition approach eliminated the need to manually enter word processing instructions.

In 1994 principals from WordDancer founded WordSurf Inc. to address application design issues highlighted by the earlier foray into the speech recognition market. To use voice intelligently, applications needed at least a rudimentary understanding of language that a user would likely employ in a particular situation. The belief was that it was not necessary, or even possible, for a program to understand unrestricted natural language. Rather, in many cases, it would be sufficient for a program to understand a user's language and intent in a restricted context.

One context that is relatively limited, simple, and well understood is the natural language (NL) queries for database systems. The researchers at WordSurf choose this context and have developed three Windows 95/NT applications that all use NL to query databases. The most recent one is Mailbot, which specializes in using NL to find and manage your email.

Using Mailbot

The best way to illustrate how to work with Mailbot is with an example. Suppose you have email communication with "Fred" several times a month. You want to find messages you sent Fred about the topic "XYZ." So you launch Mailbot and it appears as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Mailbot’s Interface

Notice that there are two simple text boxes. The program designers chose this text-based user interface because of its uncomplicated nature and minimal memory requirements. The smaller text box at the bottom lets you enter a query, while the list box above displays the response. This list box can be scrolled to show the results from previous queries. (It is possible to create a audio interface for Mailbot with a speech recognition engine and the speech synthesis product called TextAssist from Creative Labs.)

To use Mailbot, just click the query text box and type your question. You could enter a simple question like "find the first message to Fred from last month about XYZ." Mailbot tries to provide some meaningful feedback even if it fails to locate the desired email. For example, it might reply that "you didn’t send email to Fred last month about XYZ."

Mailbot remembers previous inquiries and, unless otherwise advised, bases its responses upon the accumulation of prior interrogatives about the topic. This ability to "continue on the same topic" is called anaphora and it enables you to narrow or qualify your search with follow-up questions that take into account the queries already entered. For example, failing to locate a message sent to Fred about XYZ last month, you might next ask "in the last 3 weeks?" to check for email that was sent more recently. When Mailbot locates the information you are looking for, it immediately displays the relevant email, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Mailbot displays relevant email

There are several ways to start inquiring about a new topic during a conversation with Mailbot. Each time you ask for email "to" or "from" a different person, you automatically start a new topic. In addition, when you use a generic term for electronic mail such as "email," "message," and the abbreviations "msg," "msgs" in a query, you initiate a new topic. In all these cases, prior inquires are disregarded and a new line of inquiry is begun.

At first glance, it may appear that Mailbot operates like a typical search engine on the Internet, using queries composed of Boolean operators (e.g., AND, OR, NOT, etc.) to locate information. However, although Mailbot does have a mechanism to perform Boolean string searches, what you enter is processed as natural language.

In developing Mailbot, the goal was to build a program that could "understand" the types of questions you might ask to locate email. The capability to capture meaning from your conversation with Mailbot and produce useful responses is what gives the program its real power. The key to the use of natural language, in this restricted context, is a series of semantic grammars.

How Mailbot Works

According to James Allen, in his classic Natural Language Understanding (Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1995):

"A general grammar of English will contain many constructs that are necessary for a wide coverage of the language but may not be needed in the application at hand. A grammar that is cast in terms of the major semantic categories of the domain is called a semantic grammar. While semantic grammars are considerably larger than their syntactic counterparts it is generally simpler to define the rules because of the limited context."

Internally, Mailbot makes several attempts to "understand" a query submitted to it. Each try or "pass" is associated with one or more semantic grammars. The meaningful information Mailbot tracks for each query are as follows:

The makers of Mailbot have paid particularly close attention to the date/time context. Often we remember things not so much by content as by when an event took place. Mailbot recognizes many different date/time abbreviations and vernacular ways of referring to dates and times.

Mailbot also takes into account that people like to pack several different and usually related meanings into a single sentence. It, thus, tries to extract all of the possible meanings contained in a query. Of course, if the query is too complex or nonsensical, the program will be unable to correctly interpret the query.

When Mailbot fails to comprehend a query, you can use the Last Query command, on the Help menu, to view information on why the program failed to properly interpret the question. This information can provide useful clues to assist you in rephrasing the query in a way that will be understandable to Mailbot. However, rephrasing queries in Mailbot is a very intuitive process, so you should seldom need to refer to this feature.

Input sentences to a natural language system, like Mailbot, are "parsed." Syntactic parsing is the process of separating an input sentence into its constituent parts, such as noun phrases, verb phrases, nouns, verbs, adjectives, determiners, etc. These components are broken out of the sentence using a set of phrase-structure rules. The end result of syntactic parsing is a representation known as a "parse tree."

Mailbot also uses the function or meaning of words to organize and classify the components of an input sentence. For example, suppose you enter the request "get the last XYZ message to Fred from last month." In this sentence the adjective "last" is used twice but with two very different and distinct functions.

In the first case, the program builds a parse tree for the word "last" in a "last of a set of messages" context. While in the second occurrence, Mailbot creates a parse tree for "last" in a date/time context. As Figure 3 shows, the two different parse trees based on the contextual meanings of the word "last." Both derived from the same query, or sentence, but built from two different semantic grammars and contexts.

Figure 3: Two different parse trees built from one query

Prolog is the language used to implement semantic grammars. It contains a handy construct known as a Definite Clause Grammar or DCG for short. DCGs greatly simplify the process of building phrase structure rules. Once the rules are defined using DCGs, the parse tree is a by-product because of Prolog's automatic backtracking mechanism.

Prolog is a wonderful computer language for natural language processing in that it so readily and concisely allows you to concentrate on natural language issues. You don't get sidetracked as much by the data structure, data type, and algorithm requirements of other high-level computer languages such as C.

For performance reasons, Mailbot is written in Amzi! Prolog and C++. Amzi! allows easy implementation of critical predicates directly in C++. These "extended" predicates written in C++ enabled the creation of indexed structures that are directly accessed by the Prolog natural language code. Thus, the overall architecture of Mailbot involves a Borland C++ shell calling an embedded Prolog component, which in turn calls C++, as illustrated in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Overall Architecture of Mailbot


Mailbot is unlike any other email product on the market. It is not an email client but, instead, a powerful program that lets you easily access your stored email using plain English queries in a simple command line interface. If the desired email is not located immediately, Mailbot converses with you to refine your inquiries to converge on what you are trying to locate quickly and easily.

To help you refine your queries, Mailbot remembers information from prior questions, allowing you to perform nested searches on the same topic. It also recognizes multiple implied requests within a single sentence, enabling you to construct compact and flexible queries. In addition, since you are more likely to know the approximate date or time of a certain message than its contents, Mailbot comes with an extensive vernacular of date and time terms.

So the next time someone tells you "it’s in the mail," use Mailbot to find it.

A. George Ritchie is Research Director at WordSurf Inc. Prior to working with WordDancer and WordSurf he worked for several years in the parallel computing industry. You may reach him at